Sunday, 16 January 2011


Dear Students,

30 minutes: Last night, the ceremony of the Golden Globe Awards was held. I don't know if you know the results already or if it is something that interests you. There are loads of different categories, but I thought we could talk a little bit about the Best Film - Drama category.

You are going to watch a trailer of each of the five nominees on the overhead projector, which are

- Black swan.
- The fighter
- Inception
- The king's speech.
- The social network.

After you watch the trailers, we will have a short debate about which film you think is better and should win the Golden Globe and why. If you have seen any of the 5 candidates, it would be interesting to know your opinion about it.

20 minutes: If you didn't do the phonetics part last week. It is time to do it now. Check on the entry from last week and do it.
If you had time to do it or just did it at home later, go to this page and do these listenings. Hamburger Restaurants (easy), Haven't we met before (medium) and Housing complaints (difficult). Once you have finished, write a comment in this entry telling me your results. Don't forget to say who you are (in the case of Alvaros and Lauras, last name as well, please).

Have fun


  1. Hi Javier,
    I`m Alvaro Garcia and this was my scored:
    Eassy video:100%
    Medium video:80%
    Difficult video:60%


  2. Hi Javier, I'm Saskia pregel!
    my scored was:
    Hamburger Restaurants (easy): 100%
    Haven't we met before (medium):60%
    Housing complaints (difficult):80%

  3. Hi Javier,
    I'm Laura Díaz and my scored was:
    Hamburger Restaurants (easy): 60%
    Haven't we met before (medium):100%
    Housing complaints (difficult):80%

  4. Hi Javier.
    I´am irene garcia.
    my scored was:
    - Hamburger Restaurants (easy): 100%
    - Haven't we met before (medium): 60%
    - Housing complaints (difficult) 60%

  5. Hi javier, I´am Sara Aguirre
    here you have my results
    Hamburger Restaurants (easy): 100%
    Haven't we met before (medium):80%
    Housing complaints (difficult):80%

  6. Hi Javier, I´m Adolfo:
    my result was:

    Hamburger Restaurants (easy): 90%
    Haven't we met before (medium):70%
    Housing complaints (difficult):70%
