Friday 30 September 2011

APLE HOMEWORK 2/10. Deadline October 6th.

Hi students,
This is your homework for this week

Say your opinions and your first feelings about the new series we started watching yesterday (Desperate Housewives). Say why you think Mary Alice killed herself. For this activity, you will have to use your brand new microphone and subscribe in voicethread. Don't forget to say who you are. You have to click on comment, then on record, write your real name, give an email address and a password (write it down on a paper or in your mobile phone in order not to forget it), then allow your computer to access and then start recording your voice. When you finish, just press on stop recording. You don't need to talk more than 2 or 3 minutes. If you like what you have said, save the comment, otherwise, start again until you are happy with the result. Good luck. I hope you don't have too many technical problems.


  1. Javier no se si he subido bien el audio si pudieras decirmelo por un correo al g-mail seria perfecto

  2. Javier, el audio te lo he tenido que mandar por correo porque e tenido problemas. Losiento
