Saturday, 16 February 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 8/10 bis. Deadeline February 22nd.

Dear students,

Due to the problems with English Central, I consider that just 4 students did their task completely. They are Laura Gálvez, Laura García, Blanca & Yeyes.
There are 3 students who didn't even try, so they don't have a second chance. They are Alex, Ana González and Elena.
Finally, there are 9 students who tried to do it, but didn't succeed, so they can do this activity as a substitute for the one you couldn't finish. It has to do with St. Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is one of the most famous holidays in the world. It is the traditional day for lovers to express their love to each other.

We're going to listen to two different people expressing their opinions about this festivity.
Listen and try to fill in the gaps. Once you finish each activity, print the screen and send me the screenshots on a Word document to my usual email address.



Now check the following collocations with the word "love" and try to fill the blanks:

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