Saturday, 25 February 2012

APLE HOMEWORK 10/10. Deadline March 9th.

Your last piece of homework this term is harder and longer than usual, that is the reason why you have two weeks to do it instead of the usual one. If you want my advice, especially this time, DO NOT LEAVE IT FOR THE VERY LAST DAY, since this time it takes time and you may encounter lots of technical problems.
You are going to make a glog. A glog is a kind of interactive poster or project. Next week you have to tell me what you plan to do your glog about and I will tell you if that is OK so that you can start working on it. Your glog must have:
- A title
- Text
- Images
- Your own recorded audio or video
You can also include:
- A video (from YouTube or your own recorded video)
- Some background music related to the topic.
To create the glog, you must first register as a student in You will be asked to provide an email address, a password and your teacher code, which is 1E7923.
Have a look at blogs from other people. You will get great ideas for yours.
If you have problems doing it, just let me know.
Good luck

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