Sunday, 31 January 2016

APLE HOMEWORK. THIRD TERM 1/10. Deadline February 19th.

Hello students,
I guess if you like films and the cinema you will love your homework this week. As you might know a few days ago, the nominations for the Oscars 2016 were announced. I can announce that we will watch one of these films in our class before the Academy Awards Ceremony on Sunday February 28th.

You must watch the announcement of the nominees (optional) and the 8 trailers in these links. If you have problems with the links, go to and watch all the trailers.

Once you have watched the trailers for the nine nominees for The Best Picture (around 2 minutes each trailer) I want you to:
A)Fill in this questionnaire once you have watched all the trailers.

B)Send me a voice message telling me your opinion about the films, which one of them you would like to watch in our class and why. We will watch the most voted one.

Friday, 22 January 2016

APLE HOMEWORK 9 & 10 /10. Deadline Saturday February 8th.

Dear Students,

This time your assignment is a bit longer, more complex and more personal. It will also have a numeric mark. One mark (9) for the appearance and another mark (10) for your English.
Following the famous song by One Direction "The story of my life", I want you to write and tell me the story of your life.

You can do it with Powerpoint or edu.buncee and then send me the final product or even better, the link to get to it.
I need photographs, videos, text and, of course, audio from you.
Here there are three links to tutorials that explain to you how to insert audio or video in a powerpoint:
If you want to do it with edu.buncee, which is really easy, here is a tutorial about how to use edu.buncee:
And finally, here you have a tutorial to know how to record audio with soundcloud (you will need it if you are going to use edu.buncee:

Have a nice weekend.

Friday, 15 January 2016

APLE HOMEWORK 8/10. Deadline January Saturday 23rd.

This is your assignment for this week.

This week I think your homework is much easier technically.
You have to go to this web, and do these listenings:

medium (nivel intermedio):

#02 - Trying to Understand Food Labels
#09 - Physical Education Aims for Active Lives, Fewer Painful Memories

difficult (nivel avanzado):

#05 - Apple's iPhone Makes Quiet Entry in India
#17 - Experts Divided Over Internet Changes to Language

Each listening is about 4-5 minutes long. You must click on "Listen!", listen to it as many times as you need and fill in the blanks in the text. Once you finish each listening, click on "corregir" and then make a screenshot of the screen where I can see your score.

You don't need to have them perfect, but make an effort to make the most out of the activity.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

APLE HOMEWORK 7/10. Deadline January Friday 15th.


According to `Anglophenia´, these words and phrases became the most popular ones in 2015. How many of them do you know? Think of a definition of those words before watching the video. You can also try to google them.

  1. selfie stick
  2. FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out
  3. awesome sauce vs. weak sauce
  4. hoverboard
  5. manspreading
  6. youtuber
  7. pocket dial
  8. phablet
  9. lolz
  10. emoji (Oxford Dictionary Word of the Year
  11. binge-watch (Collins Dictionary Word of the Year

Now that you have watched the video, I want you to send me an AUDIO FILE with your own definitions of those words. Then, you MUST add at least TWO MORE to the list and define them as well.
Good luck