Friday, 20 December 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 3 and 4/10 FOR CHRISTMAS. Deadline Thursday January 9th.

Hi students.
I hope you are having a good time with no lessons and exams to worry about.
Here's your homework for Christmas. You have about 3 weeks to work on it, but try not to leave everything for the last moment as usual.

Homework 3/10 is Internet based.

During the second term, we are going to work with English Central. It is a site where you can watch small videos, with or without the script and then you can listen and repeat what the video says and get a certain amount of points. First, I want you to register. You can do it here.

Write your real name, an email and a password. As usual, WRITE THE INFORMATION DOWN somewhere or REMEMBER IT so as not to forget it next time you have to work with it.
Once registered, try to get at least 3000 points (the more, the better)

If you can...

Try to listen to at least 30 minutes of English every day. You can watch videos, films, series, student news, listen to music, watch TV, etc., but try to listen to as much as you can.

Homework 4/10

New Year's Resolutions. This homework has three small parts.
Part 1. You must watch this small video about New Year Resolution and do the seven questions of this test . When you finish, print your screen with your result.

Part 2. You must listen to this audio and then fill in this chart with the information from the audio and send it to me (

Part 3. You must record your voice telling me your New Year Resolutions and how you plan to put them in practice. You must talk between one and three minutes. You can use any of the systems you know to send me audio.

The last part is just for some of you.

If you haven't worked during the first term, January 1st is a good time to take the resolution to start working and doing your homework.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

3º ESO computer lesson. December 16th

First of all, we are going to install the program for Going Places into our computers. Just follow my instructions. This is something we will only have to do today. If you didn't bring your CD, raise your hand and tell me.
Now that the program is in your computer, this is what you have to do:

module 1:

vocabulary 2
Grammar 2
Communication 2
Skills 1

module 2:

vocabulary 2
Grammar 1
skills 1
test 2

module 3

grammar 2

When you finish, you can start playing with our friend akinator. You think of a famous person or character and must answer his questions to see if he finds out who your character is. When you finish, raise your hand and let me know.

Finally, we are going to practise some listenings. Go to this page and do one easy, one medium and one difficult.
Hope you enjoyed the lesson.

Friday, 13 December 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 2/10. Deadline Thursday 19th. Recommended deadline Monday 16th.

I think all of you, except for Paula, were in the class the other way when we started watching the video. In more than one and no more than three minutes make a summary of the story so far and then tell me  how you think the story ends (there is only one more minute of footage).
You can do it with speakpipe or with any other system you might use.


Friday, 6 December 2013

APLE HOMEWORK. Second term 1/10. Deadline Saturday December 14th.


As all of you must know by now, Nelson Mandela died yesterday December 5th. I felt very disappointed when during  your presentations you chose celebrities like models, actors, singers and didn't choose people who really made a difference, people I do admire like Ghandi, John Lennon, Theresa of Calcuta, Martin Luther King or, of course, Nelson Mandela.

Here are some activities about him. They are your homework for this week, now that all your exams are over, sort of.

The first activity is a listening comprehension. You must listen to the audio, fill in the gaps and then send me the answers on a Word document.

Mediateca EducaMadrid

Nelson Mandela was one of the (1) ________________________ people in the world. For countless reasons he was and (2) _____________________. He was a person from whom we can all learn many lessons. He experienced almost everything in his nine decades, from being tortured to becoming president of the country he loved. After retiring, he continued to travel the world, helping (3) ________________________ of global issues.
Nelson was born in 1918 into a South Africa (4) ______________________ black and white racial lines. He said he had a wonderful childhood and was a keen runner and boxer. He learnt more (5) ________________________ when he studied to become a lawyer. This led to his campaigning for equal rights (6) ________________________ African National Congress (ANC), which he later became the leader of.
The South African government (7) ________________________ Mandela from spreading his message of equality for blacks and racial unity. It put him in prison for 27 years. He became famous around the world as an icon of the (8) ________________________ South Africa. Rock stars, actors, politicians and ordinary people campaigned to free him and end apartheid. He (9) ________________________ 1990 and the world rejoiced.

Nelson Mandela's call (10) ________________________ him the hearts of millions. He also won the Nobel Peace Prize, in 1993, and over 250 more awards. A year later, he became (11) ________________________ black president and served in office until 1999. In his retirement, he continued to tirelessly campaign for many global (12) ________________________ him down. He died on the 5th of December, 2013, aged 95.

Next, here you have another video about Nelson Mandela, with 12 online questions. Watch the video as many times as you want, do the 12 questions and then send me a screenshot of your results (you will get after the 12th question).

Finally, you have a listening (WITH FOUR PARTS) about Nelson Mandela. Listen to each part and fill in the blanks. Once you have finished the blanks for each part, send me a screenshot of that part with your answers.

So, as a summary you must send me a Word document with the 12 blanks for the first activity, one screenshot with the results of the video test and then 4 screenshots with the answers for the listenings. You can send me everything in just one file.

Enjoy your wild weekend after all your exams.

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Dear students from 3ºESO
Here is just an idea for the second term. I will keep you posted.


Thursday, 28 November 2013


Hi students,

In order to practise for your exam next week, here you have some games with the summary of the vocabulary for Desperate Housewives 1-4.  I have reduced all the vocabulary to only 70 words to make it easier for you. To see the complete list, you can click on List:DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES 1-4.

Here is the vocabulary for episodes 5-7 (I couldn't make everything in just one list). Since we are going to make two vocabulary exams starting next term, I have decided to include only the first 7 units.
To see the complete list, you can click on List:DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES 5-7.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 10/10. Deadline November 27th. Last assignment for the first term!!!

Dear students,
The other day we had those former students in the class talking to you and giving you some advice about Bachillerato and University. Some of you were talking about what you wanted to study at university, but today I want you to go a little bit further and talk about your life in ten years time.

I've come accross a New York Times Interactive where senior students from a high school in San Diego were asked about their plans for their future, their 10-year plans.

You must hear their answers, choose two students you feel identified with and send me a Voice Mail with all the information you've understood about those two. Then, do the same, but talking about you and your future. Try to avoid the usual mistakes. Do not read. Try to sound as natural as possible and do not rush.


Have a gr8 weekend.


Thursday, 14 November 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 9/10. Deadline November 20th.

Hello Students,
To continue with Steve Jobs (although I think my new cell phone will be a Samsung and not an iphone!!), here is his famous speech at Stanford University. Watch the video as many times as you need and answer the questions you have below ORALLY. You can write them down first and then tell them.

1.- In which college did Steve Jobs graduated?
2.- What is the first story about?
3.- How long was S.J. at Reed College?
4.- What do we know about Steve Jobs's biological mother?
5.- Who was going to adopt Steve Jobs at first?
6.- Why didn't they adopt him?
7.- What happened when Steve Jobs's biological mother find out about the parents' education?
8.- Why did S.J. quit college?
9.- Where did he sleep once he quit college?
10.- How did he manage to eat?
11.- Why was calligraphy important in his life?
12.- What reference does Steve Jobs do about Windows?
13.- What's his second story about?
14.- When and where did he start his business?
15.- What happened to Steve Jobs when he was 30?
16.- What two companies did he create after being fired from Aple?
17.- How did he go back to Aple?
18.- What is the only way to do great work?
19.- What is his third story about?
20.- Which quote did Steve Jobs read one day?
21.- What happened to Steve Jobs in 2004?
22.- How long was he supposed to live?
23.- What does "get your affairs in order" mean?
24.- Why did the doctor cry when he had a look at the microscope?
25.- Finish the sentence: "Your time is limited, so..."
26.- What is Steve Jobs's wish for the graduate students?
27.- What do you think the wish mean?

If you want to read the script later at home, you can click here.


Thursday, 7 November 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 8/10. Deadline Wednesday November 13th.

Dear Students,

Last month it was Steve Jobs' death anniversary. Since I have seen in some of your messages that some people in the class have iphones and ipads, I thought you might like this very short spot.

Here is the first "Think Different" Apple commercial that never aired, narrated by Steve Jobs: "Here's to the Crazy Ones". What makes great people great?

I want you to do three things:

a)identify the 17 famous people who appear in the video. If you don't know all of them, mention the ones you do know. You can ask for parents for help for this task.

b)write the script of the commercial (you will have to watch it several times for this part).

c)choose your favourite character and make a speech saying why you think that person was crazy and thought in a different way.

You have to send me a message to with three files: one with the people who apppear, another one with the script and a third one with an audio file about your favourite character (if it is easier for you, you can send me the audio file through "Send Voicemail" in this blog.
I hope you enjoy your weekend.
Do not forget to practise your oral English as much as you can.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 7/10. Deadline November 6th

This week, the idea is to prove how well you can read. You have to go to this site, choose the story whose number corresponds the one you have in my list, read and listen to the text as many times as you need and then read the text aloud recording it on this voicethread or with the recording system you prefer. You can try as many times as you want. When you are satisfied with the result, save it. If you do not remember your number in my list, choose any number from 20 to 40.
Enjoy your long weekend.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 6/10. Deadline Wednesday October 30th.

Hello students,
Here is the task you have to do for this week. Last week most people left it for the very last moment. Try to do it during the weekend, just in case you have technical problems later.
You have to go to this site, choose one of the stories (one which is complete, not in parts) and listen to it at least a couple of times WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE SCRIPT. You can either download the .mp3 file or listen to it directly on the page. Then, you can listen to it again with the script to understand it better. Your task is to record a summary of the story IN YOUR OWN WORDS and in less than three minutes. You can also say if you liked the story and if you found it easy or difficult to understand.

You can do it in this voicethread or use the send voicemail on the right of the blog. Try to change your icon/avatar in voicethread and use a picture or something more personal and original.

Good luck and enjoy your weekend.

Sunday, 20 October 2013


20 minutes: practise listening about restaurants (unit 2 in the text book). Go to these pages for that: (Hide the text and then do the multimedia Quiz Game)

10 minutes > watch this video and answer the following questions about it as a comment to this post

1.- What did he write? Why?
2.- What kind of restaurant is it?
3.- What happened with the wine?
4.- Did he like the food?
5.- What did he do with the food?
6.- What happened at the end?

20 minutes: Some people in the class love music. Let's see how good you are at lyrics.

We are going to listen to songs and fill in the blanks of the lyrics. Go here, create a new account (on the right, above the picture and under sign in), choose the song "The lazy song", choose a mode (you can start with elementary and then try something more challenging). Then, listen to the song and try to fill in the blanks.
Now it is your time to choose a different song of your taste. Write a comment saying which song you worked on and what was your score. Was it too easy/difficult? Don't forget to include your name in the comment.

A very funny, interesting lesson. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, 18 October 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 5/10. Deadline Wednesday October 23rd

This is your homework for this week. You must go to this page from CNN and listen to the news for a particular day this week or last week. Try to watch the video at least twice and then, if you don't understand everything, listen to it again reading the transcript. After that, go to this voicethread and record in one or two minutes a summary of the pieces of news you have listened to. Don't forget to say which day you are referring to. You can also do it with the "Send voicemail" option as usual.
If you listen to this piece of news every day (it may take you about 10 minutes) your oral English will improve a lot and you will be informed at the same time. So, add it to your favorites. This is extremely useful for the people who didn't do too well in the mock listening exam.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 4/10. Deadline October 16th

This week we played a game of Trivial, activity I think you really enjoyed so I think it would be interesting if you wrote some questions and answers for the game. Apart from English, there are 4 other categories:

1.- History and Geography

2.- Cinema and Sports

3.- Art and literature

4.- Science

I want you to send me an email to my usual address with AT LEAST 16 QUESTIONS, (4 for each category). Don't forget to write the answer (or the possible options with the correct one) and to include your name. Try to use Times New Roman. Size 12.


Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Daniel Tudela
October 16th
Paula Zapatero
October 16th
Javier Segura
October 21st
María Alonso
October 21st
Sergio Aragón
October 23rd
Isabel Aroca
October 23rd
Juan Bernal
October 28th
Guzmán Burillo
October 28th
Paula Casellas
October 30th
Luis Gabriel Cesteros
October 30th
Guillermo del Paso
November 4th
Aina Donadeu
November 4th
Belén Fernández
November 6th
Paula Fuentes
November 6th
Laura Gurriarán
November 11th
Elena Hernández
November 11th
Sara Jebril
November 13th
Lucía Jiménez
November 13th
Ainara Martínez
November 18th
José Ignacio Morata
November 18th
Marina Montero
November 20th
Pablo del Pino
November 20th
Ana San Román
November 25th
November 27th


Here are the dates for your presentations.

David Pedrosa
October 9th
Patricia Perez
October 8th
Ana Rodríguez
October 9th
Paula Sánchez
October 15th
Patricia Santos
October 15th
Ana Sordo
October 16th
Laura de Sosa
October 22nd
Claudia Turón
October 22nd
María Yañez
October 23rd
Marina Alonso
October 29th
Alejandra Barcenilla
October 29th
Ana Bolaños
October 30th
Marta Carrasco
November 5th
Ana Coronado
November 5th
Javier Coronado
November 6th
Yolanda Cuadra
November 12th
María Fernández
November 12th
Irene Herreros
November 13th
María Marín
November 19th
Clara Martínez
November 19th
Alejandro Mille
November 20th
Renata Miño
November 26th
Beatriz Navarro
November 26th
November 27th

Sunday, 6 October 2013


Dear students,

If you click on the image of the workbook, you will find the key to the workbook activities from unit 1. You must correct all the activities that you have done with a red pen, using ticks and crosses. I will ask you for the corrections next week.
If you have any questions, you can email me at


Saturday, 5 October 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 3/10. Deadline: Wednesday October 9th.

This week your assignment is shorter and maybe more interesting than last week. If you are a boy, you will probably like football, and if you are a girl, you will probably love David Beckham, so here is a video about his retirement.

You have to watch this video and then do the test with questions you can find on the left of the video. Once you have finished answering the questions, click on "See how you did, check your score and at the end of the score you will see:

Send these results to my teacher. 
My Name:
Teacher Code:  
Assignment:  syoneda: David Beckham Retires!

Write your full name and in teacher code write  jarroyo. That way I will be able to see what you did and how you did it.

Good luck.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 2/10. Deadline Wednesday October 2nd

Welcome back , students,

This week it is listening time. What you have to do is quite simple. You must visit this page and do the first two listenings in each category (easy, medium and difficult). You can do all the activities you want from the listenings, but the compulsory activity in each listening is activity number 2. Once you have done it, click on final score and when you get it, get a screenshot with your score. Paste the six screenshots on a Word document and send it to me to Don't forget to say who you are.

Good luck.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Dear students,

First of all, have a look at the blog and don't forget to bookmark it so you can find it easier next time you come to visit.

Your task for this week is quite simple. You have to spend AT LEAST ONE HOUR AND A HALF practising your oral English. Then, you have to make a recording saying what you have done and how (if you have watched a film, mention the film, if you liked it, if you watched it with subtitles or not, when you watched it, etc). If you listened to music, say what songs you listened to and if you could understand the lyrics. If you watched a TV series, say which one it was and if you usually follow it, if you talked to somebody in English, say who you talked to and what you talked about, etc.
You can record your voice with Audacity, you can use the Grabadora de Sonido de Windows (inicio-programas-accesorios-grabadora de sonidos) or just use the SEND VOICEMAIL tab on the right hand side of our blog (maybe the easiest way). Don't forget to say who you are in your recording and to write your email address and who you are when you send it. Remember that my address is (in case you use Audacity or Grabadora de Sonido de Windows). If you use SEND VOICEMAIL, it will get to this address automatically.
Enjoy your weekend and try to practise your oral English at least 15 minutes every day.

If you cannot record your voice because you still haven't got a microphone or a laptop or don't know how to use it, talk to me on Monday. Remember, DO NOT leave everything for the very last minute.

Good luck.



Dear students,

Here in this glog you will find videos, listenings, activities and most important of all, your homework every week, with a deadline. Please, bookmark this webpage so that it will be easier for you to get here next time. Sometimes you will have to send me your homework by email. My email address is , but you can also use the "send voicemail" button on the right of the blog.
I hope you enjoy the subject and work hard, especially if your English is not that good.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Desperate Housewives: Selected vocabulary from episodes 15-22

 Book: Unit 6:

pain, headache, sore throat, injection, inhaler, cast, crutches, asthma, hay fever, migraines, high blood pressure, health, healthy, unhealthy, suffer from, patient, pain, painful, hurt, symptom, allergic to, cough, sprained ankle, swollen, runny nose, blotches, bleed, blood, feverish, temperature, tablets, pills, prescription, chemist's, numb, swollen, itchy, rash, scratch, come down with, the flu, a cold, food poisoning, prescribe, advice, a mild case of, spoonfuls, consultation, painkiller, relieve, rash, (maybe a couple of suprises as well)


Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Dear Students,

I think you did an incredible job last Monday. Some of your performances were superb. I will tell you your grades as soon as I have time to assess them.
I really encourage you to perform again in from of parents or younger students (1º or 2º ESO). We will talk about it next week.
Here are the videos which will take you straight to Broadway.






Saturday, 18 May 2013


Yes, I know, we still have like a month until we finish our lessons (June 14th), but this is your last assignment, so here we go.

This week, I want you to do the same assignment in a written and in an ORAL way. I want you to tell me the best and the worst things of this academic year in the next categories:







In the case of APLE, I would really appreciate your suggestions for next year. Just imagine I am the new English teacher who is coming to our school next year, have never taught APLE, and am a bit lost about it. What ideas and suggestions would you tell her for next year?

Remember that Wednesday and Friday we have General Rehearsal for sketches and you should bring all the props for that (signs, menus, photos for the overhead projector, etc).

Thank you to all the people who have volunteered to come to the Graduation next Friday. I think you will have a good time.


Saturday, 11 May 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 9/10. Deadline Sunday May 19th.


Dear students

I hope you enjoyed the activity last Friday and managed to interview hundreds of tourists. Before you send me your videos for assessment, I wanted you to tell me ORALLY what your experience was like, how many  people you interviewed, where they were from, what problems you had, what anecdotes you had, etc.

You can send it to me in any of the usual ways.

Monday, 6 May 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 8/10. Deadline Sunday May 12th.

Hi students, Let's see if this week I am a bit luckier with your homework. In less than three weeks, the students from 2º Bachillerato will have their graduation ceremony. It is traditional in our school that one or two students and one teacher give Valedictorian Speeches in it. Just in case you want to do it next year (in English or in Spanish), this is your chance to practise.
Write the speech or a draft with ideas about it and record a speech. Try to make it between 2 and 5 minutes long. If you do it with Speakpipe, remember that the time limit is three minutes, but you can do it in two parts. Good luck Javier

Sunday, 28 April 2013

APLE HOMEWORK 7/10. Deadline Sunday May 5th

Hi Students,
 Back from Santiago. Tired, but really happy with the experience.
 Here is your homework for next week. If you are going away for the long weekend, try to do it before leaving.
 You have to watch this interview with Tom Cruise and answer ORALLY the following questions about it. You can use Speakpipe or any other system.

1.- What's the title of Tom Cruise's new film?
2.- Why do they talk about "germs"? 
3.- What does Tom Cruise remember about his first premiere? 
4.- Where has he been so far to promote his film?
5.- What happened to Tom Cruise in Ireland? 
6.- Where was his last movie shot?
7.- What funny, dangerous things did Tom Cruise do in Iceland? 
8.- Say at least three of the sentences Tom Cruise has to say in a dramatic way. 
9.- Tom Cruise is said to be quite short. Search on the Internet how tall he is in feet and in centimetres. 
10. Do you like Tom Cruise? Can you name a few films you have seen where he was the leading actor?
