Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Hello Students,

I hope you enjoy your first lesson this year in the computer room. The Internet connection is not very good, so please, be patient. At home you can do things much faster, so if you can't finish or do an activity here, you can try to do it at home.

20 minutes: go to this page and listen to: answering machine (easy) , A student credit card (medium) and Adsense: making money (difficult). You should at least do the "II Listening Exercises". You can also try to do the "III Vocabulary activities", but this is optional. When you finish, write a comment in this post mentioning your name and your final score in each of the listenings. You can also talk to me and tell me how you do.

25 minutes: in the second part of the class we are going to watch another speech. Now that iphone 5 is almost here, this time it is from Steve Jobs at Stanford University. While watching the video, try to answer the following questions about it. Do not worry if you don't understand every single word. Try to make the most of it.

Here are a few questions you should try to answer while watching the video. You can write them dowm on a piece of paper or just open a Word document and write down the answers in there.

1.- In which college did Steve Jobs graduated?
2.- What is the first story about?
3.- How long was S.J. at Reed College?
4.- What do we know about Steve Jobs's biological mother?
5.- Who was going to adopt Steve Jobs at first?
6.- Why didn't they adopt him?
7.- What happened when Steve Jobs's biological mother find out about the parents' education?
8.- Why did S.J. quit college?
9.- Where did he sleep once he quit college?
10.- How did he manage to eat?
11.- Why was calligraphy important in his life?
12.- What reference does Steve Jobs do about Windows?
13.- What's his second story about?
14.- When and where did he start his business?
15.- What happened to Steve Jobs when he was 30?
16.- What two companies did he create after being fired from Aple?
17.- How did he go back to Aple?
18.- What is the only way to do great work?
19.- What is his third story about?
20.- Which quote did Steve Jobs read one day?
21.- What happened to Steve Jobs in 2004?
22.- How long was he supposed to live?
23.- What does "get your affairs in order" mean?
24.- Why did the doctor cry when he had a look at the microscope?
25.- Finish the sentence: "Your time is limited, so..."
26.- What is Steve Jobs's wish for the graduate students?
27.- What do you think the wish mean?

If you want to read the script later at home, you can click here.


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