Friday, 11 February 2011


Hi students,
Today I'm sick at home (I think it's flu), so I won't be able to stay with you in the classroom. Joann will be in the classroom next door and will keep an eye on you from time to time.
Depending on what you have already done, there are 4 things you can do. For some of them, you will need your headphones. Get the number that corresponds to the number you have in your computer.
-Option 1: If you didn't do your voicethread about discrimination yesterday, you can still do it in the class now. Remember it is on this blog.
-Option 2: If you haven't finished your glog yet, you can also work on it, finding the picture, looking at ways to describe the picture or just recording the description and the reason to choose that picture.
-Option 3. If you have been a good student and have done the two previous options, you can play this game. It is a memory game, but with sounds instead of letters or images. It looks easy, but it is not that simple.
You can play game 1 and game 4.

-Option 4: You can also play this game about homonyms (words that sound the same, but are wriiten in a different way, like weak and week).

-Options 5: Finally, if you want to have some fun. You can watch some videos with jokes. To do it click here.

On Monday we'll have a regular class, so bring your books and not your headphones.
Have a nice weekend.

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