Sunday, 29 November 2015

SECOND TERM. APLE HOMEWORK 3/10. Deadline Sunday 13 December.

Dear Students,
Here is your next assignment.
You have to do this listening test.

It is composed of 15 short listenings. Choose the right answer and then click on next.
When you finish, click on email results.

On name write your name and on email write mine:
Then click on submit.

Good luck


SECOND TERM. APLE HOMEWORK 2/10. Deadline. Sunday December 6th

Hello students,

Here you have an interview by Jimmy Fallon, a famous American presenter to David Beckham. They don't talk much about football. You must watch the video, as many times as you need and then answer these questions ORALLY.

1.- Why is David Beckham on Jimmy Fallon's Show? 

2.- Where is David's family at the moment?

3.- How old is David's daughter?

4.- What happened when David went to see his son's soccer game? 

5.- Why was Romeo crying at the end? 

6.-What does Jimmy say about David's underwear? 

7.- What is special about David's commercial at the Super Bowl?

8.- Are all the 12 eggs the same? 

9.- What does each contestant have to do? 

10.- Who wins the competition and why?

Good luck

Thursday, 26 November 2015

SECOND TERM. APLE HOMEWORK 1/10. Deadline Tuesday December 1st.


You may not know, but December 5th is Nelson Mandela's death second anniversar died yesterday December 5th.

Here are some activities about him. They are your homework for this week, now that all your exams are over, sort of.

The first activity is a listening comprehension. You must listen to the audio, fill in the gaps and then send me the answers on a Word document.

Mediateca EducaMadrid

Nelson Mandela was one of the (1) ________________________ people in the world. For countless reasons he was and (2) _____________________. He was a person from whom we can all learn many lessons. He experienced almost everything in his nine decades, from being tortured to becoming president of the country he loved. After retiring, he continued to travel the world, helping (3) ________________________ of global issues.
Nelson was born in 1918 into a South Africa (4) ______________________ black and white racial lines. He said he had a wonderful childhood and was a keen runner and boxer. He learnt more (5) ________________________ when he studied to become a lawyer. This led to his campaigning for equal rights (6) ________________________ African National Congress (ANC), which he later became the leader of.
The South African government (7) ________________________ Mandela from spreading his message of equality for blacks and racial unity. It put him in prison for 27 years. He became famous around the world as an icon of the (8) ________________________ South Africa. Rock stars, actors, politicians and ordinary people campaigned to free him and end apartheid. He (9) ________________________ 1990 and the world rejoiced.

Nelson Mandela's call (10) ________________________ him the hearts of millions. He also won the Nobel Peace Prize, in 1993, and over 250 more awards. A year later, he became (11) ________________________ black president and served in office until 1999. In his retirement, he continued to tirelessly campaign for many global (12) ________________________ him down. He died on the 5th of December, 2013, aged 95.

Next, here you have another video about Nelson Mandela, with 12 online questions. Watch the video as many times as you want, do the 12 questions and then send me a screenshot of your results (you will get after the 12th question).

So, a Word document for the first listening and a screenshot for the video.

Enjoy your wild weekend after all your exams.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

APLE HOMEWORK 9/9. Last assignment of the term. Deadline Friday November 20th.

Here is your last assignment for this term.

The term is over next week. I know this year is specially hard in many different ways, so I want you to tell me the best and the worst things about this term.You can talk about:


Record your voice. A couple of minutes should be enough.

Good luck

Friday, 6 November 2015

APLE HOMEWORK 8/9. NEW DEADLINE (with a penalty) November 20th.

Hello Students,
To continue with Steve Jobs, here is his famous speech at Stanford University. Watch the video as many times as you need and answer the questions you have below ORALLY. You can write them down first and then tell them.

1.- In which college did Steve Jobs graduated?
2.- What is the first story about?
3.- How long was S.J. at Reed College?
4.- What do we know about Steve Jobs's biological mother?
5.- Who was going to adopt Steve Jobs at first?
6.- Why didn't they adopt him?
7.- What happened when Steve Jobs's biological mother find out about the parents' education?
8.- Why did S.J. quit college?
9.- Where did he sleep once he quit college?
10.- How did he manage to eat?
11.- Why was calligraphy important in his life?
12.- What reference does Steve Jobs do about Windows?
13.- What's his second story about?
14.- When and where did he start his business?
15.- What happened to Steve Jobs when he was 30?
16.- What two companies did he create after being fired from Aple?
17.- How did he go back to Aple?
18.- What is the only way to do great work?
19.- What is his third story about?
20.- Which quote did Steve Jobs read one day?
21.- What happened to Steve Jobs in 2004?
22.- How long was he supposed to live?
23.- What does "get your affairs in order" mean?
24.- Why did the doctor cry when he had a look at the microscope?
25.- Finish the sentence: "Your time is limited, so..."
26.- What is Steve Jobs's wish for the graduate students?
27.- What do you think the wish mean?

If you want to read the script later at home, you can click here.



Hi students,

In order to practise for your vocabulary exam, here you have some games with the summary of the vocabulary for Desperate Housewives 1-4.  I have reduced all the vocabulary to only 70 words to make it easier for you. To see the complete list, you can click on List:DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES 1-4.

Here is the vocabulary for episodes 5-7 (I couldn't make everything in just one list).
To see the complete list, you can click on List:DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES 5-7.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

APLE HOMEWORK 7/9. Deadline November 8th.

Dear Students,

Last month it was Steve Jobs' death anniversary. Since I have seen in some of your messages that some people in the class have iphones and ipads, I thought you might like this very short spot.

Here is the first "Think Different" Apple commercial that never aired, narrated by Steve Jobs: "Here's to the Crazy Ones". What makes great people great?

I want you to do three things:

a)identify the 17 famous people who appear in the video. If you don't know all of them, mention the ones you do know. You can ask your parents for help for this task.

b)write the script of the commercial (you will have to watch it several times for this part).

c)choose your favourite character and make a speech saying why you think that person was crazy and thought in a different way. Speak between 1-3 minutes.

You have to send me a message to with three files: one with the people who apppear, another one with the script and a third one with an audio file about your favourite character (if it is easier for you, you can send me the audio file through "Send Voicemail" in this blog.
I hope you enjoy your weekend.
Do not forget to practise your oral English as much as you can.