Wednesday, 30 September 2015


These are the dates for your oral presentations about NGO:

October 5th: Alberto, Jose Miguel and María Amado
October 7th: Ignacio Buesa, Natalia and Álvaro
October 14th: Begoña, Sofía and Marta
October 19th: María Hartusch, Javier and Victor
October 21th: Jorge, María Rastrero and Roberto
October 26th: Ignacio Rodríguez, Sergio and Nacho Sánchez
October 28th: Alfonso, Victoria and Paula

Good luck

Saturday, 26 September 2015

APLE HOMEWORK 2/10. Desperate Housewives. Deadline October 3rd

Hi students,
This is your homework for this week

Say your opinions and your first feelings about the new series we started watching yesterday (Desperate Housewives). Here are some questions that can  help you speak? They are just suggestions, so you can talk about whatever you want.
Say why you think Mary Alice killed herself.
Give your opinion about the other characters. Which one is your favourite?
Will Carlos find out that Gabriele is having an affair with the gardener? What will happen?
Will Susan finally manage to date Mike Delfino or will Eddie do it first?
Will Lynette find a solution to her problems with her four children?
Will Bree finally divorce her husband? Will he die because of his allergy to onión?

Remember this is an oral activity, so you must send an audio file (as last week) and not text. Don't forget to say who you are.
2 or 3 minutes is more than enough. Good luck.
I hope you don't have too many technical problems.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

YEAR 15/16. APLE HOMEWORK 1/10. Deadline September 26th.

Hello APLE students,

Here is your first piece of homework for this term. I think the only problem here could be technology until you get used to that.
You have to send me ( an audio file between 2-5 minutes long. How can you do it? There are different possibilities:
-You can use your PC with a microphone (you can use the ones from PlayStation or Wii Games as well). In that case you can use "Grabadora de Sonido de Windows", "Audacity" or any other recording program.
-If you have a laptop or a tablet (like an ipad for instance), they have built-in microphones, so it is even easier.
-You can also try doing it with your mobile phone. There are lots of apps to do it.
-You can also use the "send voicemail" tab on the right on the screen in the blog.
-Maybe you can even think of another possibility. If you can't do it at home, you can always do it at school (from 14.15 to 15.00 hours).
In the recording you have to introduce yourselves (talk a little bit about you, your hobbies, your family, what you like, what you hate and your relationship with English (school, academies, trips abroad, camps, what you do to improve your English: listen to songs, watch videos on youtube, watch films or TV shows in original version, etc.)
If you tell me where the quote "it's easy if you try" is from, you will have an extra point in this assignment.
Good luck.
P.D. If you have technical problems, talk to me after the class.

Thursday, 17 September 2015


Dear students,

Here in this glog you will find videos, listenings, activities and most important of all, your homework every week, with a deadline. Please, bookmark this webpage so that it will be easier for you to get here next time. Sometimes you will have to send me your homework by email. My email address is
If you are an APLE student, remember you will need a microphone or any other way to record your voice for this lesson.
I hope you enjoy the subject and work hard, especially if your English is not that good.