Monday, 28 November 2011


10 minutes: Let's see if you have finally understood the difference between the past simple and the past continuous. Try this text. You need a score of at least 400 hundred to be sure you know this important grammar point.

20 minutes: Open Going Places 3 software. You must have an icon on your desktop. If you don't have it, use your CD and install it following the instructions. If you have problems, raise your hand and I will go and help you. One you are in the program, go to Module 2 and do:
Vocabulary 2
Grammar 1 & 4
Skills 1
Test 3
When you finish, raise your hand tell me how it went.

10 minutes: How are you doing with your Geography? Prove how good you are at locating places going to this place. You should try to get at least to level 6.

If you finish everything and still have time, revise irregular verbs. You can do it here, here choosinge menu>4º eso>intermediate>verb tree and here.

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