Dear Students,
As you know for sure, Steve Jobs, the CEO of Aple, died last week. We are going to talk about him and watch some videos on Monday in the computer room, but for the moment this is a bit about him.
Here is the first "Think Different" Apple commercial that never aired, narrated by Steve Jobs: "Here's to the Crazy Ones". What makes great people great?
I want you to try to do three things:
a)identify the 17 famous people who appear in the video.
b)write the script of the commercial (you will have to watch it several times).
c)choose the character who matches your number in the class (if you are not sure about your number, ask me on Monday) and prepare a speech for Tuesday saying why you think that person was crazy and thought in a different way.
You have to send me a message to (as usual) with three files: one with the people who apppear, another one with the script and an audio file with a summary of what you are going to say about your character on Tuesday.
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