Sunday, 21 November 2010


20 minutes: Two of our students will do the oral presentation.

15 minutes: You are going to practise listenings at esl-lab. You must do at least 3 listenings (doing the listening activities and the vocabulary [if you have time for that]). Listen to Christmas is coming (EASY), A Story to remember (MEDIUM) and A Free Cell Phone (DIFFICULT).

15 minutes: I don't know if this is going to work because of  our low speed Internet connection, but let's try. If you can't do during the class, it will be your homework for next week.

We are going to listen to songs and fill in the blanks of the lyrics. Go here, create a new account (on the right, above the picture and under sign in), choose a song (easy or medium level to start with), choose a  mode (you can start with elementary). Then, listen to the song and try to fill in the blanks.
Write your comments here about the activity. Could you do it? Did the video download? Was it too easy/difficult? Don't forget to include your name in the comment.


  1. Javier, hi, i'm saskia. I'm trying to create a new account, and i can't do it. I find a song and i do click in it and i can´t too. It say: ERROR EN LA PAGINA. I will try to do it in the weekend...

  2. hello javier, i'm helena and i can do the exercice.

    Your Score
    21 Words x 25 Points per Word = 525 Points - 17% Time Penalty = 436 points.

