Thursday, 4 March 2010


Hello students from ESO,
We are going to work with the recipe you did some weeks ago.
In principle, we are going to try to do two things:
1- Go to the voicethread web page, register with your email address and a password (don't forget it). Then, go back to this blog and record your recipe on the appropriate page of this project. The one with your name on it. You must use the arrows left or right to find it.

If you have more time, go to this page and try to discover what an eduglogster mean. I will give you very a very important paper in this class with your user name and your password for an extra assignment.

If you have even more time, go to this page and revise units 3, 4 and 5. It will be perfect for your exam.

I hope you have a good time today.

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